Sixth Form Financial Advice

Student Finance England provide student loans or student grants for tuition fees and living costs.

16-19 Bursaries

16-19 Bursary Fund

The 16-19 Bursary Fund is available to 16- to 19-year-old students to help them continue in education, where they might otherwise struggle for financial reasons. It is made up of two parts – guaranteed bursaries of £1200 a year to the most vulnerable young people e.g. Looked After Children and a discretionary fund to be distributed to other disadvantaged groups. The bursaries are provided to help students with travel costs, meals (if not eligible for Free School Meals), trips, books and equipment.

Please note that the majority of the bursary fund is distributed within the first few weeks of the autumn term. There may be a small contingency available at other times in the year. The form is distributed with the Sixth Form Induction Pack and may also be downloaded here

University Finance